2024 Spring Launch; Thursday 28th March at Wymondham Rugby Football Club
Thank you all for an amazing 2023 Campaign! NOW, who's ready for 2024? Please find all the details below for the Spring Launch:
Anglia in Bloom Spring Launch; it will take place on Thursday 28th March at Wymondham Rugby Football Club.
Barnard Fields, Bray Drive, off Reeve Way, Wymondham. NR18 0GQ.
We do try to move the events around the region – in 2023 we went to Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk so this time it’s Norfolk that’s 4 out of our six counties covered.
Anyway, we expect to ‘open doors’ at about 10am for a 10.30am start. There will be the usual refreshments on arrival and a sandwich and cake platter served at tables for lunch. We expect to be closing at around 2.30 although we haven’t yet worked out a programme; cost will be £20pp. There will be a raffle.
The exciting news is that Jon Wheatley who is a RHS Britain in Bloom judge, a renowned landscape gardener, Chairman of South West in Bloom and a member of the RHS Britain in Bloom Council will be coming to speak to us. I’m sure you’ve seen Jon on TV at Chelsea and other RHS Flower Shows and you will know that he is very knowledgeable and a great speaker. He has recently been awarded the Victoria Medal of Honour by the RHS, a high honour and very well deserved. We don’t know as yet the subject of his talk but we expect he will give some details about the celebrations for the 60th year of Britain in Bloom as well as some other projects in which he is currently involved.
We will have to limit numbers, at first it will be 4 persons per delegation but obviously if there are any spare places these will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
You can book from Monday 8th January by emailing our Treasurer, Margaret Spencer on margaret-spencer@esec.uk.
Please include the number of places required and the name of your delegation plus any dietary requirements of which we need to be aware.
Payment can be made by bank transfer to: Anglia in Bloom. Sort Code 20-62-53, account number 90704385 or you can send a cheque to Anglia in Bloom 102 London Road, RAYLEIGH, Essex SS6 9JA.
We can only take cash on the day for very late bookings.
We do hope that you can come to the event, and we very much look forward to seeing you there.
With our very best wishes from Julia and the Anglia in Bloom team.